Hot Ham & Cheese Breakfast

I know what you’re thinking — there are so many variations for this ham, cheese, and spinach dish online. Oftentimes the exact same recipe. I know every time I head to Pinterest to find new Keto or low-carb meal ideas I see it dozens of times. But let me tell you why mine is different. Yes, the ingredients are the same, but you’ve been eating it all wrong.

There are so many studies out there that show how important it is to be mindful while eating — to eat slowly and pay attention to every bite. So many people eat while watching TV or eat while they’re scrolling through a timeline on their phone and they aren’t really thinking about what they’re doing. Even though I know better, sometimes I still do it myself.

This is where my ham and cheese breakfast differs. Many people make it by using pieces of ham rather than slices of ham. When you use slices, it’s more work. You have to cut the meat and it isn’t all glued together by the egg and cheese and ready to shove in your mouth. You have to put in a little effort to eat it which makes you much more mindful of what you’re doing. And I hope you believe that you, your mind, and your body are worth the extra effort. It isn’t much, I know, but the smallest changes can make the biggest differences sometimes.

I know this isn’t the best for everyone. Some people have kids, too-early mornings. I get it. But I can have this cooked and eaten within 15 minutes and that works for me. It’s still a fast meal, yes, but it helps me sit down and simply be conscious of what I’m doing and I would really love for you to try it for a while and let me know if you notice any changes, too!


That’s it. Easy-peasy. Good for your body and good for your soul.

I hope your Fri-Yay is amazing and I’ll be back soon with a homemade pumpkin bread recipe and a bonus cream cheese glaze recipe. (Hey, we live a balanced life around here — I’m not trying to fool anybody! Portion control is how I roll.)

Be well!


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